Ok so I got drunk and totally forgot to take picture about that whole sugar shack thing. Go me! Speaking of drunken cooking, I've started watching My Drunk Kitchen on Youtube, you should all watch it! It's even better than Epic Mealtime cause there's no macho sexist stupidity. I really think those two should do a video together lol.
Anyways, I think I might try to take pics of the individual components of the sugar shack meal one by one as I make them eventually and put them all together in one post, maybe, if I feel like it, sometime... lol. Oh well. I've been really busy going to the gym and trying to get enough sleep. Nuff' said. Till laters!
Here's a pretty food pic that is unrelated to anything but the fact that I feel like food blog posts should have pictures of food in them. I googled "pretty food pic" and this is what I got. Enjoy!: