Thursday, June 9, 2011


Ok so I got drunk and totally forgot to take picture about that whole sugar shack thing. Go me! Speaking of drunken cooking, I've started watching My Drunk Kitchen on Youtube, you should all watch it! It's even better than Epic Mealtime cause there's no macho sexist stupidity. I really think those two should do a video together lol.

Anyways, I think I might try to take pics of the individual components of the sugar shack meal one by one as I make them eventually and put them all together in one post, maybe, if I feel like it, sometime... lol. Oh well. I've been really busy going to the gym and trying to get enough sleep. Nuff' said. Till laters!

Here's a pretty food pic that is unrelated to anything but the fact that I feel like food blog posts should have pictures of food in them. I googled "pretty food pic" and this is what I got. Enjoy!:

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Cabane a Sucre/Sugar Shack!

I was originally planning on my first posts being about the foods in the title of my blog, but seeing as we're planning to make a big sugar shack breakfast at my friends place this weekend I decided to post about that instead. Unless I spontaneously decide to make poutine between now and Sunday night, which I don't know if that will happen with all the stuff I've been meaning to use up in my cupboards before buying more food (think 2-year-old shake & bake, pakora mix and butter chicken mix). Yes I dislike throwing away food, if at all possible :P

The menu for this weekend's sugar shack meal will be:

- Pea soup
- Baked beans
- Pancakes
- French toast
- Cocktail sausages in maple syrup
- Bacon & cheese omelette
- Breakfast sausages
- Ham
- Double-smoked bacon
- Oreilles de Criss

And of course maple syrup on everything. I know a lady who sells the maple syrup that her brother-in-law makes at his sugar shack, I'm gonna go pick up a few cans tonight or tomorrow, as well as the breakfast sausages and the double-smoked bacon. I can't wait! :D

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Setup and a view of Montreal

Ok I've done some thinking about how I want to go about posting here, as in the frequency, order, and all that. At first I was thinking of a schedule with regular bi-weekly posts updated a certain day of the week, but decided that I'd rather just post when the inspiration strikes me, while my motivation to do so lasts. I've made long posts before and then saved them as drafts and forgotten about them, and then when I remember I don't feel like posting it any more lol. So I'll just post while I'm still enthusiastic about it :P So as to when the first official food post will go up, I don't know yet, but I'm slowly working on it.

Anyways here's a cell phone pic of Montreal, that's the Lachine Canal in front, with the downtown area in the background:

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Workings, and a teaser pic for a future post

I'm slowly editing this bit by bit, I want to eventually put up an official "first post" as to my ideas behind this blog and how I plan to post stuff on it and whatnot. I've added a few extra links in the "cool food stuff" list, I'm gonna go through my list of favourites and keep adding stuff to it as I have time. I don't expect this to get started up quickly, I'm doing this only for fun in my spare time so I'm not gonna stress out about deadlines.

I'm eager to start planning this! Reading this blog post motivated me to work on this blog a bit more today, it's another great food blog by a fellow Montrealer. I'm dreaming of one day organizing a grub crawl of the restaurants he's reviewed, they all look so good! :P

I love taking pictures and I feel like a post is empty without one so I hunted down an old picture of mine, I'll put it here as a teaser pic for what I think will be my first Quebecois blog post. It's (almost) seasonally appropriate Quebecois food :)

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Hello Internet! Yet another food blog is born!

So I decided I want to make a food blog about the various food traditions in my family. My mom is Swedish, my dad is French Canadian, and my boyfriend is Filipino, each with really tasty, relatively unknown food, that I want to expose to the internet and just do for fun, my own future reference and to show to my kids one day. Here begins a new food blog!